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The Ultimate Guide to Grooming Your Bernedoodle: Tips and Tricks

Attention all Bernedoodle owners: are you looking for the perfect way to groom your furry friend? Then look no further! I’m here to show you how to keep your Bernedoodle looking and feeling its best. There’s nothing quite like having a happy, healthy pup in the house – and it starts with proper grooming techniques.

Let me start by saying that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to grooming any breed of dog, including the Bernedoodle. Every pup has different needs depending on its fur type and lifestyle; however, there are some basic steps you can take that will help ensure your pooch stays clean and well cared for. From brushing tips to bathing instructions, I’ll give you an overview of what you need to do so your Bernedoodle looks and feels amazing.

Don’t forget that grooming isn’t just about looks – it’s also an opportunity for bonding time between you and your pet. So relax, enjoy this special moment together, and get ready to learn everything you need to know about properly caring for your beloved Bernedoodle!

Grooming Your Bernedoodle

The Bernedoodle Coat

Grooming a Bernedoodle is not as daunting of a task as it may seem at first. There are three main types of coats that these pooches possess; straight, wavy, and curly – each requiring its own special care regime.

Straight Coats

These pups require minimal brushing to keep their fur in good condition, although regular visits to your groomer for trimming is recommended to maintain shape and style. Bathing once or twice a month will also help rid them of dirt and any tangles that might crop up along the way.

Wavy Coats

Wavy coated pals need slightly more attention when it comes to grooming than those with the straight coat – but only by a little bit! A weekly brush through should be enough to comb out any knots and remove dead hairs from the undercoat. Although due to their longer hair length, they still benefit from occasional trims every few months (or so) just like those with Straight Coats do. Your Bernedoodle should receive monthly baths too, depending on how active he or she is during outdoor activities.

Curly Coats

Curly Coated buddies who really aren’t much different maintenance-wise than their Wavy counterparts; except for one key difference: brushing! As you can probably guess this type of coat needs frequent brushing – think 2-3 times per week minimum – otherwise, you risk matting occurring which can then lead to skin problems if left untreated over time. While bathing once a month should suffice here too, trimming isn’t necessary unless you want your pup to look extra smart! So there you have it, an overview into caring for all three types of Bernedoodle coats…but what type of fur do Bernedoodles actually have?

What Type Of Fur Do Bernedoodles Have?

Bernedoodles have unique coats that require special care and attention. The coat type of a Bernedoodle can vary greatly between individuals, with some having straight hair, while others may have wavy or curly fur. This is due to the combination of their parents’ traits – the Poodle parent’s genes will often result in wavier or curlier fur. When it comes to grooming your Bernedoodle, there are several factors to consider when determining what type of coat they possess.

You should check for any mats or knots in their fur. Mats occur when two pieces of hair get tangled together and create a clump that cannot be brushed apart easily. These tangles can lead to discomfort for your pup if not addressed properly as well as skin irritation from trapped dirt and debris. To prevent mats from forming, brush your dog’s fur regularly using either a slicker brush or a pin brush depending on how dense their coat is.

Another factor you must consider is the length of their fur which could range anywhere from short-haired breeds like Schnauzers all the way up to long-haired breeds such as Collies. Many Bernedoodles fall somewhere in between these two extremes so you need to evaluate this before deciding whether they need regular haircuts or just weekly brushing sessions instead. Additionally, if your pet has long hair then trimming around sensitive areas like eyes and ears might also be necessary to avoid potential problems down the line.

It is best for you to take into account how much shedding occurs with each breed since this too can determine how often you groom them; certain types tend to shed more than others do thus requiring frequent brushing sessions even if they don’t have particularly long hair lengths themselves! With all these things taken into consideration, one thing is clear: no matter what kind of Bernedoodle you own, proper care and maintenance are essential for keeping them looking great and feeling happy!

Understanding what type of fur your bernedoodle has helps ensure that you know exactly what steps are needed to keep them healthy and clean over time — an important part of being a responsible owner! Before moving on to our next section about ‘how often should you groom a bernedoodle’, make sure that you understand everything discussed here today so far about different coat types and basic grooming needs for each one!

When Should You Groom A Bernedoodle?

Grooming a Bernedoodle is an important part of owning one. Some may think it’s too much work, but the truth is that regular grooming can help your pup look and feel its best. As an experienced dog groomer, I’m here to tell you when the ideal time is to start grooming your Bernedoodle.

First off, as soon as you bring home your new pup, it’s important to get them used to be groomed right away. This means brushing their fur at least once or twice a week. Even if they don’t require a full-on bath yet, getting them accustomed to having their coat touched will make things easier down the road. Plus, this helps remove shedding hair and keep their coat in tip-top shape!

When it comes to bathing your pup, most experts recommend waiting until after its first round of vaccines is complete – usually around 16 weeks old for puppies. That said, some dogs may need baths more often than others depending on how active they are or what kind of environment they’re living in.

For example, if your Bernedoodle enjoys playing outside frequently then chances are they’ll need baths more regularly than those who stay indoors most of the time. No matter what though, always consult with your vet before giving any type of bath just so you know everything is safe and healthy for your furry friend!

How Often Should You Groom A Bernedoodle?

Groomers and pet owners alike should be aware of the importance of regular grooming for Bernedoodles. These hybrid dogs are often low-shedding, but they require frequent brushing in order to keep their coats healthy and free from tangles. Depending on the type of coat that your Bernedoodle has, the frequency of its grooming will vary.

For example, if you have a wavy or curly coated Bernedoodle, then it’s important to brush at least twice a week. On the other hand, if your pup has a straight coat then you can get away with brushing once every two weeks. It’s also recommended that these pups receive professional haircuts every few months to help maintain their coat length and neatness.

It’s essential to remember that regular brushing helps prevent matting and excessive shedding which can lead to skin irritations in our furry friends. This is especially true during seasonal changes when more shedding occurs than usual. In addition, proper bathing is necessary to keep their skin clean and nourished while providing them with an enjoyable experience overall!

By performing routine check-ins with your groomer or vet regularly (every four months or so), you’ll help ensure that your doodle feels comfortable and looks great all year round!

Can You Groom A Bernedoodle Yourself?

Groomers are skilled professionals when it comes to styling and caring for a Bernedoodle’s coat. However, if you’d rather give your pup a spa day at home, there’s no reason why you can’t do the job yourself! Grooming isn’t just about keeping your pup looking good; it is also important for their health. With the right tools and techniques, you can easily care for your pooch from the comfort of your own home.

Start by gathering all the necessary supplies: a slicker brush, comb, scissors (if needed), clippers or trimmers, shampoo/conditioner made specifically for dogs, and any other items recommended by a groomer in order to get started. Make sure that everything is within reach before starting so that you don’t have to constantly search for something during grooming sessions. Additionally, having treats on hand will make training easier while giving them positive reinforcement as they learn how to stand still and cooperate with being brushed and trimmed.

With all of the essential materials ready to go, decide where would be best suited to start brushing out their fur – this could be outside in natural light or indoors near an open window to let fresh air circulate around them. As always safety first! Securely hold onto each part of his body while brushing slowly and carefully through their coat using long strokes following the direction of hair growth. This should help avoid any discomfort which may arise due to tugging against tangles or knots while loosening dirt build up over time too.

How To Groom A Bernedoodle (Step By Step)

Grooming a Bernedoodle is like painting a masterpiece. With the right supplies and technique, you can create an amazing work of art that will be admired for years to come. I understand how important it is to take your time with each step of the grooming process in order to get the best results possible.


First, inspect your pup’s coat carefully. This includes feeling through their fur for any lumps or bumps that may need attention. You should also check their skin for any signs of irritation or other issues such as fleas and ticks.


Once you have completed this inspection, brush them gently to remove dead hair and debris from their coat before beginning the bathing process.

  • Brush daily using a slicker brush, pin brush, and comb.
  • Start from the head and work your way down toward the tail.
  • Concentrate on areas prone to tangles such as the armpits and hindquarters.


  • Use a mild shampoo specifically formulated for dogs. A good quality shampoo designed specifically for dogs will help ensure your pup has a luxurious bath experience without damaging their delicate coat.
  • Make sure to rinse thoroughly – no residue of soap or shampoo left behind!
  • Dry with a towel or hairdryer in a low heat setting.

Cleaning The Eyes

  1. Start by using a soft, damp cloth or cotton ball to gently wipe away any discharge or debris from the corners of your Bernedoodle’s eyes. Be careful not to rub too hard or apply too much pressure, as this can irritate their eyes.
  2. Next, use a clean cloth or cotton ball soaked in warm water to wipe away any remaining dirt or debris around their eyes. You can also use a specialized dog eye cleaner recommended by your vet or groomer.
  3. If you notice any tear staining or discoloration around your Bernedoodle’s eyes, you can use a tear stain remover specifically designed for dogs. Apply the solution according to the instructions on the product and avoid getting it in your dog’s eyes.
  4. Be sure to also trim any long hair around your Bernedoodle’s eyes using grooming scissors. Long hair around the eyes can cause irritation and attract debris, which can lead to eye problems.

Cleaning the Ears

  1. Begin by inspecting your Bernedoodle’s ears for any signs of redness, swelling, or discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your vet as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
  2. Gently lift your Bernedoodle’s ear flap and use a soft, damp cloth or cotton ball to wipe away any visible dirt or debris from the outer ear. Be careful not to push the debris further into the ear canal.
  3. Next, use a specialized dog ear cleaner recommended by your vet or groomer. Place a few drops of the solution into your Bernedoodle’s ear canal and gently massage the base of the ear to help the solution loosen any dirt or wax buildup.
  4. Allow your Bernedoodle to shake its head to help remove any loosened debris from its ear canal. Then use a clean, dry cloth or cotton ball to gently wipe away any remaining solution and debris from the outer ear.
  5. If your Bernedoodle’s ears are particularly dirty or if there is a lot of buildup in the ear canal, you may need to repeat this process a few times until the ears are clean.
  6. Be sure to also trim any excess hair around the ear canal using grooming scissors. This can help promote better airflow and reduce the risk of moisture and debris buildup in the ears.

Nail Care

It’s also important to clip nails regularly to prevent overgrowth which can cause discomfort when walking or running around outside.

  • Trim nails regularly (at least every 2-4 weeks).
  • Be careful not to cut too short – this can cause injury to your pet.
  • Use styptic powder in case of accidental cuts.

Brushing Teeth

  1. Start by selecting a toothbrush specifically designed for dogs. You can also use a finger brush or a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger if your Bernedoodle is not used to having a toothbrush in their mouth.
  2. Use dog-friendly toothpaste, never use human toothpaste as it contains ingredients that can be harmful to your dog. You can also opt for toothpaste with flavors that your Bernedoodle enjoys, such as chicken or beef.
  3. Begin by introducing your Bernedoodle to the toothbrush or finger brush and toothpaste. Allow them to sniff and taste the toothpaste to help them get used to the new experience.
  4. Once your Bernedoodle is comfortable, start brushing its teeth using a circular motion on the outer surfaces of the teeth. Be sure to also brush the gums and the back of the mouth.
  5. Focus on one section of the mouth at a time, working your way around all of the teeth. Be sure to reward your Bernedoodle with praise and treats throughout the process to make it a positive experience.
  6. If your Bernedoodle has difficulty tolerating toothbrushing, you can also use dental chews or toys designed to promote oral health.
  7. It’s also important to provide your Bernedoodle with a balanced diet and avoid feeding them human foods that can be harmful to their teeth, such as sugary or fatty treats.


  1. Choose the right time to shave your Bernedoodle. Ideally, it’s best to shave them during the warmer months to help keep them cool and comfortable.
  2. Brush your Bernedoodle’s coat thoroughly before you begin shaving to remove any mats or tangles that could cause the clipper to pull or snag.
  3. Use a professional-grade clipper with a sharp blade and an appropriate guard comb to ensure an even cut. It’s important to choose the right blade length for your Bernedoodle’s coat type and thickness.
  4. Begin shaving from the neck down, moving in the direction of the hair growth. Use short, smooth strokes to avoid nicking or cutting your Bernedoodle’s skin.
  5. Be extra careful when shaving around sensitive areas such as the face, ears, paws, and tail. Use a smaller blade or scissors for these areas to achieve a more precise cut.
  6. As you shave, regularly check the temperature of the clipper and blade to ensure they do not overheat and cause discomfort or harm to your Bernedoodle.
  7. Once you have finished shaving your Bernedoodle, use a brush or comb to remove any loose hairs and inspect the skin for any cuts or irritations.

Top Bernedoodle Haircuts

When it comes to grooming a Bernedoodle, there are several different haircuts that you can choose from. Each cut will give your pup a unique look and feel while also keeping them comfortable in any season.

Winter Cut

The winter cut is designed to keep your pup warm during cooler months by creating an extra layer of insulation with the fur around their neck and chest area. It’s important to note that this style should be kept shorter on the bottom since longer hair can mat easily when wet. This type of trimming should only be done by professional groomers as it requires specialized scissors and combing techniques.

Summer Cut

For summertime, the best haircut for your Bernedoodle is one that allows its coat to stay cool but still protects against sunburn or bug bites. A short buzzcut or poodle-inspired cut works well for this purpose, leaving just enough length for protection without becoming too hot in warmer weather conditions. The key here is finding the right balance between comfort and protection so make sure to talk with your groomer about what’s best for your pup before getting started!

No matter which style you decide on, always remember that caring for your Bernedoodles coat is essential to keeping them happy and healthy year-round. With proper brushing, shampooing, and professional trims every few months, they’ll have to look their best no matter what time of year it is.

How Short Can You Cut A Bernedoodle’S Hair?

The beauty of a Bernedoodle lies in its long, luxurious coat. It’s an unmistakable feature that sets it apart from other breeds- and one that should be groomed with care! But how short can you cut the hair without sacrificing the look?

First off, remember to always have your pet’s safety and comfort in mind when grooming them. Start by trimming around the eyes, mouth, feet, and tail. These areas need special attention as they are vulnerable spots on any dog. Keep it simple with scissors or electric clippers for these areas – don’t get too adventurous here! Trim just enough so that all fur is neatly out of the way and won’t get caught in anything.

Next up is tackling the body itself. Generally speaking, you can go slightly shorter than what was initially there but keep it even – no drastic changes! For example, if their fur was originally 8 inches long then take it down to 6 inches max. Be mindful not to clip too close to their skin as this will cause irritation and discomfort for your pup during warmer months. The same rule applies for undercoat clipping; only do this if necessary (like when dealing with severe matting). And lastly, remember to brush often between trims using a slicker brush or comb designed specifically for longer coats such as those found on a Bernedoodle.

How Much Does It Cost To Groom A Bernedoodle?

Groomers have different costs for Bernedoodle grooming. The cost largely depends on the size of your dog and its coat type, as well as what services you choose to get done. For example, a full groom may include bathing, brushing, trimming nails and hair, ear cleaning, and more.

On average, it could cost anywhere from $50-$100 per session depending on the area in which you live. Some areas will offer discounted packages or special deals if you book multiple sessions at once with one groomer. Be sure to ask about these when scheduling an appointment!

When budgeting for how much it’ll cost to groom your Bernedoodle regularly, keep in mind that it’s important to set aside funds for proper maintenance. This includes things like regular nail trims and brushings between appointments – both of which can help prevent matting and other problems associated with neglectful grooming habits.



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